The market for electronic watches (so-called wearables) is growing more and more, weakening the sales of classical merchandise watches. But it also creates new chances for marketing and merchandising.
We would like entering this new market with you, publishing YOUR-watch face. Currently our watch face is available for Samsung devices. We offer full-service incl. publishing, updates and user-support.
“SWrist Watch” for the Apple Watch is currently under development. In total we`ll be able to cover almost 80% of the smartwatch market worldwide.
Additional feature for business solutions: LIVE-Update
Unlike using the standard release process which typically takes 3-5 working days we are able to provide LIVE-Updates, exactly at the moment you like to have it, e.g. celebrating your Championship, annoncing a new product or event, …
Pricing Model
Basic pricing model for single theme-watch face with up to 10 background images – 1 update of background images per year – w/o live-update option
* App operated on customers app-stores
** Based on a watch face price of 9,99 USD and depending on global reach
Contact us and start into a new market.