SWrist Watch

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See how your unique watch faces could look like.

Based on your pictures and your favorite style every “SWrist Watch” watch face is an unique collection.

For every background picture following parameters are configurable:
General settings:
– Preferred display format (Analog & Digital, Analog only, Digital only, Analog prefered, Digital prefered)

Digital time label:
– Size and position
– Color
– Font style (Normal, Bold, Italic, Bold & Italic)
– Shadow effect

Analog display:
– Dial (Clock face)
– Pointer hour
– Pointer minute
– Shadow effect of pointers

The “SWrist Watch” watch face allows following settings for the end user:
– Update interval of background (every 5 sec., every 10 sec., every hour, every day, every time watch is activated OR static, always same background picture)
– Preffered display format of end user (Analog & Digital, Analog only, Digital only, Analog prefered, Digital prefered)
– Format of digital time label (24h, 12h with AM/PM text, 12h withour AT/PM text)

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Our service for private customers

There are only a few steps to provide your unique watch face:

  1. Select your favourite pictures and reduce them to 360×360 pixels
  2. Make a copy of all pictures
  3. Define digital label in copy of pictures (see possible criteria above)
  4. Define analog display (or select one based on a selection we provide)
  5. Define prefered display format
  6. Confirm use of pictures (see enclosed document for download)
  7. Order your unique watch face
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Our service for business customers

Demo version:

Find our demonstrator SWrist Watch Demo in Samsung App-Store

Know Bugs:

– Up to now no bug was reported

End-User Licence Agreement (EULA)